Team member Ayanna Pressley accuses Walgreens of racial discrimination for closing stores in neighborhoods plagued by theft | The Gateway Expert

You can’t make it up.

Team Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) accused pharmaceutical giant Walgreens of racial discrimination over its decision to close stores in neighborhoods with high crime rates, including locations in her district, Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District.

During a speech on the House floor, Congresswoman Pressley condemned the pharmaceutical giant for its decision to close a store on Warren Street in Roxbury, an area she noted is “85% black and Latino.”

He cited this move as part of a troubling pattern of withdrawal from low-income communities. The radical MP condemned the impact of such closures on residents who rely on pharmacies for essential goods, including medicines and healthcare supplies.

“When a Walgreens leaves a neighborhood, it disrupts the entire community and takes with it formula, diapers, asthma inhalers, life-saving medications and, of course, jobs. These closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent. They are potentially lethal acts of racial and economic discrimination,” she said.

Representative Pressley, along with Senators Elizabeth Warren (D) and Ed Markey (D), requested a detailed explanation from the Walgreens CEO.

“Why has there been no community input, no adequate notice to customers, and no transition resources to prevent gaps in health care? Shame on you Walgreens. Having a website with conversation starters about health equity and underserved communities isn’t enough. Walgreens is a multi-billion dollar corporation that needs to put its money where its mouth is and stop disinvesting from Black and Brown communities.”


In 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) named Massachusetts the most violent state in New England. wrote: “Adjusted for population, Massachusetts takes the honors for violence in New England with a rate of 308.8 per hundred thousand. That’s nearly triple Maine’s violent crime rate (108) and more than double New Hampshire’s rate (146.4). Interestingly, the three least violent states in New England are constitutional states that actually encourage responsible citizens to exercise their Second Amendment civil rights.

The outlet added: “This is no surprise and certainly falls in line with the Commonwealth being one of the most violent states in Northeast America,” said GOAL Executive Director Jim Wallace. “In 2018 we released the report Massachusetts Gun Control Success – A False and Dangerous Narrative which demonstrated beyond a doubt that the Commonwealth’s laws and policies have been an abject failure. No one listened and no major media covered the story. Therefore, the leaders of the State have no one to blame but themselves!””

American cities will sooner or later become shopping deserts, and all because of democratic policies and weak leaders who will not prosecute crime.

Pharmacy chain CVS has announced it will close 900 stores by the end of 2024, citing shoplifting as a major problem.

This news comes at the same time Target announced it was closing nine stores for similar reasons.

A CVS drugstore in Washington, D.C., has taken much of its stock off the shelves and is using the space to display photos of what customers were able to get themselves.

Conservative commentator Joey Mannarino published on X photos he claimed were from a CVS store on H Street in Washington, DC

“This is from the CVS on H Street in Washington DC. Due to the rampant theft, they have now put away almost all of their items and only have photographs of what is in stock. You press the button and the sales associate gets you what you need,” she posted.

San Francisco stores are now securing freezers and bathrooms with chains to prevent shoplifting, with one store experiencing up to 20 robberies in a single day.

So instead of prosecuting criminals, Democrats are now targeting business owners.

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