Strata Identity controls global access and compliance challenges with cross-border orchestration recipes


BOULDER, Colorado, February 15, 2024 – Identity of the layers, the Identity Orchestration company, today announced Global Access Orchestration Recipes that manage the complex identity relationships and processes associated with meeting data sovereignty and privacy compliance requirements for organizations with global operations. Together with Strata’s Maverics Identity Orchestration platform, these identity orchestration recipes ensure that data accessed by multiple identity providers (IDPs) and cloud platforms remains sovereign, resident, and local to comply with regional regulations.

These new orchestration recipes and additional resources on solving global access and identity management challenges are available in the Strata Global Access Cookbook page.

Multinational organizations face three distinct global access and compliance challenges. First, they must simultaneously meet an intricate web of privacy and data protection rules in each jurisdiction in which they operate, which includes identity management and access policies among regional IDPs. Meanwhile, companies with international customers must ensure compliance with foreign data privacy laws, such as Europe’s GDPR, regardless of where their headquarters are located. Finally, they must proactively enforce data storage policies to avoid countries where governments can legally (or not) seize data.

“Every employee, regardless of where they are in the world, needs shared access to a common set of applications. Meanwhile, data residency regulations – and the need to support multiple regional IDPs and identity policies – make it difficult to secure and control access. But it doesn’t have to be that way,” said Eric Olden, CEO of Strata Identity. “Maverics by Strata was built specifically for the needs of multinational enterprises because it is optimized for multiple clouds and IDPs around the world. Our orchestration recipes enable customers to apply granular identity sovereignty policies to comply with local laws, physical data identity residency, and identity linguistic localization.”

Strata’s global access orchestration recipes and capabilities

The first of Strata’s global access recipes, “Securing and Controlling Cross-Border Access to a Global Resource,” is now available. Strata Maverics and additional global access orchestration recipes will provide the following capabilities:

  • Support for region-specific IDPs to provide users with controlled access to common apps and keep international customer data compliant with local regulations to avoid GDPR, CCPA, and other region- and country-specific violations. Maverics service extensions enable organizations to create multilingual customer journeys that keep customer data where it belongs.

  • Protect global data from local data seizure in countries and regions with far-reaching data privacy and access laws. Maverics Cloud is available in six global regions: US, Canada, UK, EU, Brazil, and Australia, and can be used to set up multiple instances in different regions to control data policies at the country level.

  • Provide cross-region visibility into siled identity data for accurate auditing with comprehensive reporting demonstrating compliance with local data regulations.

  • Improve performance and user experience using Maverics’ distributed air-gap architecture that allows you to implement identity orchestration close to apps and avoid round-trip latency to access data.

  • Provide users with a familiar access experience to the global resources they need by controlling region-specific access in the background. Behind the scenes, Maverics evaluates the app’s policy and directs the user to their IDP.

  • Allow administrators to define the policy that applies authentication to each IDP and configure Maverics as an authentication gateway to direct users to the appropriate IDP.


Maverics Global Access recipes are immediately available from Strata and its retail partners around the world.

Information about the identity of the layers

Strata Identity is the leader in identity orchestration for multi-cloud and hybrid cloud. The orchestration recipe-based Maverics platform enables organizations to integrate and control incompatible identity systems with an identity fabric that doesn’t change the user experience or require rewriting apps. By decoupling applications from identity, Maverics makes it possible to implement modern authentication, such as passwordless authentication, and enforce consistent access policies without app refactoring. The company’s founders created the Identity Query Language (IDQL) standard and the open source Hexa software for multi-cloud policy orchestration, and are co-authors of the SAML standard for SSO federation. For more information, visit us on spiderweb and follow us LinkedIn AND Twitter.

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