Rob Reiner launches disturbing attack on conservative Christians: ‘antithetical to the teachings of Jesus’


Rob Reiner
Source: MSNBC YouTube

Radically liberal Hollywood star Rob Reiner has launched a vile attack on conservative Christians, saying they are “antithetical to the teachings of Jesus”.

Reiner attacks Christians

Reiner is currently promoting his new documentary God and Countrywhich “examines the implications of Christian nationalism and how it distorts not only the constitutional republic, but Christianity itself,” according to the IMDB.

“This movement that they have here seems completely antithetical to the teachings of Jesus,” Reiner, 76, told Newsweek.

“Jesus was about peace and love and helping others and those less fortunate than us,” he continued. “And I thought that was something we should all aspire to. So for me this movement is totally opposite to the teachings of Jesus.”

Reiner continued to blame “Christian nationalism” for the January 6 Capitol riot. .

“The Christian nationalist movement … says it’s my way or the highway and they will resort to violence if we don’t get what we want, which is what we saw happen on January 6,” he said.

Not surprisingly, Reiner also used this interview to attack former President Donald Trump.

“I can criticize [Donald] Trump because he is the one who is shackling these people into this way of thinking,” he said. “Trump is a cult and people who follow the cult are vulnerable. They’re looking for meaning, they’re looking for direction, and you can get overwhelmed by something [like that].”

Related: Rob Reiner launches vile attack on Trump’s Christian supporters

Reiner’s previous attack on Christians

Reiner launched a similar attack on Christians last month.

“Jesus told us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” Reiner wrote on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. “How in the name of God can anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus support Donald Trump?”

Unfortunately for Reiner, however, this immediately backfired on him big time when the Christians responded.

“If you believed in Jesus, you would know,” Oscar-nominated Hollywood star Randy Quaid he wrote in response.

“If you support Joe Biden, you have no right to talk about Jesus or the Bible,” another X user said commentedwith a third write, “President Trump has brought prosperity to the United States. He also brought peace. Biden brought war, a crumbling economy and an overrun border. It is clear to anyone, to be honest, that Trump is better for our country than Biden. That’s why Biden’s approval is so low. We need Trump now!”

Related: Rob Reiner calls Trump ‘the new leader of the Confederacy’ who must be condemned

Reiner weighs in on Biden and Trump

This comes a day after Reiner, who is fiercely loyal to Joe Biden, weighed in on the presidential election.

“Okay. Here’s the truth. Biden is old,” he wrote on will destroy American democracy.”

Reiner often uses his X profile to rail against Trump, who in his head lives rent-free.

“Trump not only wants to destroy American democracy, his alliance with Vladimir Putin will destroy democracy around the world,” he wrote earlier this week.

Reiner has long been one of Hollywood’s most unabashed liberals, and has become increasingly bigoted as he ages. It is both disturbing and despicable that Hollywood is giving him a platform to launch such vile attacks against conservative Christians.

What do you think of Reiner’s latest comments? Let us know in the comments section.

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