OFF THE BALLOT: Oregon Supreme Court bars 10 Republican lawmakers from running for re-election | The Gateway Expert

The Oregon Supreme Court has ruled that ten Republican lawmakers cannot seek re-election because they participated in a strike last year over a political dispute.

Under Oregon’s rule called Measure 113, ten or more unexcused absences disqualify a person from seeking re-election.

Did you think the left would only use this tactic against Trump? Watch now as other states create new rules for the sole purpose of excluding Republicans from the ballot.

FOX News reports:

Oregon Supreme Court bars 10 Republican lawmakers from running for re-election, siding with Democrats’ voting ban

The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that 10 Republican state senators who participated in a record boycott last summer to block laws expanding access to abortion for minors, transgender procedures and medical intervention, as well as another measure on ghost guns, they can’t ask for compensation -elections this year.

The Oregon Senate Republican Caucus charged that “the Supreme Court, made up of Democrats, sides with Democrats and unionists on Measure 113, despite the plain language of the Constitution.” The caucus pointed out that the state high court’s decision is “effectively ending the service of 10 Republican senators, representing one-third of the Oregon Senate.”

The ruling upholds Oregon Democratic Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade’s announcement last August to disqualify 10 lawmakers from the ballot under a measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, approved by voters in 2022, amended the state constitution to bar legislators from being re-elected if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.

Last year’s boycott lasted six weeks – the longest in state history – and blocked hundreds of bills. Five lawmakers sued the secretary of state’s decision: Senators Tim Knopp, Daniel Bonham, Suzanne Weber, Dennis Linthicum and Lynn Findley. They were among 10 Republican senators who accumulated more than 10 absences.

It’s so obvious what’s going on here.

Here is a video report:

The left will try to do it in other states. Look.

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