KARMA: The bookstore bar that kicked out FOX News analyst in 2023 for being conservative is closing | The Gateway Expert

In January last year, FOX News analyst Gianno Caldwell was having breakfast with friends at a bookstore cafe in Miami, Florida, when he was approached and asked to leave because of his conservative views.

We talked about it at the time.

Now the bar-bookstore is closing its doors permanently.

RedState reported:

Woke, Meet Broke: The Miami bookstore that infamously kicked out a Fox News newspaper is now closing its doors

Look, I’m not automatically inclined to tell an entrepreneur how to run their business. It’s their money, their business – handle things as you see fit. If nothing else, I encouraged this kind of self-confidence. Often, when left-wing activists order a company to target a particular group or forcefully demand particular levels of inclusion, I have argued that if they believe this is a viable plan, then they should back their thoughts with their own money and your own sweat. fairness and try.

This is the case of the rather bohemian business in Miami, Paradis Books, which opened in 2021. It was a bookshop and wine emporium that served food and encouraged a communal environment with an admittedly left-wing taste. Notice the use of the past tense there? That’s because the store just announced it was closing after some infighting and a particularly tumultuous year in business.

The formwork company posted this message on its website:

Hey there,

Audrey, Brian and Bianca here. We have made the tough decision not to reopen Paradis, and this is our way of letting you know why. We have come to the end of the line and are wrapping up this project on our terms. For our haters, we guess congratulations are in order, so you can go ahead and stop reading now! But to those who have loved us, supported our many changes, laughed with us, danced with us, and perhaps even cried with us, we wanted to give you this parting explanation, as well as a heartfelt thank you.

This video is from last year, right after the accident:

Companies that do things like this deserve to fail.

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