Disclaimer: Please note that this article contains an autopsy photograph. This image may be graphic and disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

In a recent interview with journalist Megyn Kelly, Mark Epstein, brother of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, raised questions about the official narrative that Jeffrey’s death was a suicide.
Mark Epstein has discussed never-before-seen evidence and inconsistencies surrounding the circumstances of his brother’s death, suggesting it may have been a homicide.
Mark Epstein began by telling how he had initially believed his brother’s death was a suicide when he first heard the news on television. However, his perspective changed after the autopsy was performed.
Concerned about the accuracy of the investigation, Mark Epstein hired Dr. Michael Baden, a renowned forensic pathologist, to assist in the autopsy. To Mark’s surprise, both Dr. Baden and city pathologist Dr. Kristin Roman concluded that the injuries suffered by Jeffrey Epstein were not consistent with a suicide by hanging. They noted that Jeffrey Epstein had three broken bones in his neck, which is rare in suicide hanging cases.
“As a precaution I had hired Dr. Michael Boden to assist in the autopsy, which I have the right to do. And the city pathologist, Dr. Roman and Dr. Baden, came out of the autopsy saying they couldn’t call it a suicide because it looked too much like a homicide,” Mark said.
“This makes it clear that there is no one who has more experience with prison deaths than Dr. Baden. And he said he had never seen results like this, like three broken bones in Jeffrey’s neck, from a suicidal hanging like this. Then the questions arise: if he did not commit suicide, he was killed; and then, who killed him? How was it done? Then, these questions started to arise.
The conversation then turned to Attorney General William Barr’s public statement regarding the case. Mark Epstein criticized Barr’s claim that he personally saw the footage from the camera outside the level where Jeffrey’s cell was located.
Barr said no one entered or exited the level, leading him to conclude it was a suicide. Mark Epstein found this claim dubious, questioning Barr’s ability to personally review hours of footage and suggesting it may be an attempt to hide the truth.
“When I heard him make that statement, I thought, ‘Either he’s the dumbest guy on the planet or he’s hiding something.’ Because for two reasons: first, to assume that someone could get to that door, get in undetected, kill “Someone, to walk out and leave without being caught is ridiculous because there are six levels of security before you get to that level. This was the highest security location in the prison.”
“So it didn’t make any sense. And then when he said that he personally saw the videotape, that he watched the videotape, I thought, “But this is the Attorney General of the United States.” Could I see him sitting in front of a monitor, watching the videotape of a night to make sure no one was coming in or out? Couldn’t he have asked someone in his office to look at the videotape and just say no one came in or out?’ So when I heard that he had personally watched the videotape and concluded that it was a suicide because no one was going in or out, I said, “This is bullshit.”
Mark went on to say that he had heard of cell doors being left open, which would allow other prisoners to access Jeffrey’s cell. He also expressed frustration in his attempts to obtain information about other inmates on the level, their length of stay and their current whereabouts.
“I believe there were eleven other prisoners on that level, in the cells who could have killed him, because I had heard about it early in my investigation. I heard from a reliable source that the cell doors were left open. So, if the cell doors had been left open – I don’t know how many or which ones – but someone could have come out, killed him, gone back into his cell, and they did. So, I tried to find out who the eleven prisoners were in that ward because, if Jeff was killed, he must have been one of them.”
When asked about his attempts to get answers from the government, Mark Epstein explained that he and other media outlets had made requests for information about the case. However, their cooperation has been limited. He mentioned the existence of working surveillance footage from outside the level, but expressed frustration at the lack of access to it.
“We can’t get the footage that has been asked for repeatedly of when they took Jeff out of that level, when they took his body out of that level and took him to the infirmary. Where is the footage from that time period?”
Furthermore, he said that during a meeting with Justice Department officials, he received a generic response that the death had been ruled a suicide after a thorough investigation, despite many questions remaining unanswered.
According to Mark, the rescuers and hospital staff involved in the case were never questioned by the authorities, which he found highly unusual given their roles in high-profile incidents.
He also highlighted procedural irregularities, stressing that his brother’s body should not have been moved from the cell before the medical examiner arrived, as the location and condition of a deceased person can provide critical forensic information.
“There were so many types of rules being broken here. First, when they found Jeff dead in his cell, he had been dead for at least 2 hours. We know this from the autopsy result because the mark that was left on his neck, which you can see in the photograph (see below), for that mark to be embedded in his neck like that and dried like that, he had to have been dead for at least 2 hours.”
“It may have been 6 hours, but a minimum of two. So when they found him he was clearly dead. All right. He could not be resuscitated. He shouldn’t have been moved. The medical examination should have been carried out immediately. They shouldn’t have moved it because, even when they find a dead body, the location of the body provides a lot of information. That’s why they tell you to never move a body.”
During the interview, Mark Epstein raised doubts about the official narrative by discussing the placement of Jeffrey’s body when it was found. According to the Department of Justice report, Jeffrey was described hanging in a seated position with his legs extended in front of him, about an inch off the ground.
Mark Epstein pointed out that if that were the case, there would have to be bruising, or blood pooling, in his legs and buttocks due to gravity. However, autopsy photos obtained by Mark Epstein showed no signs of lividity in those areas, casting doubt on the official description of how Jeffrey was discovered.

Megyn Kelly revealed a never-before-seen autopsy photo showing the mark on Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, with Mark Epstein pointing out that the location and depth of the mark were not consistent with the type of ligature mark one would expect if Jeffrey had hanged himself. described by official reports.

Mark pointed out that the ligature mark appeared to be in the center of the neck rather than higher up under the chin, as expected in a hanging.
Mark Epstein: If you imagine it and he’s hanging for at least 2 hours—like I said, it could have been 6 hours, but at least two—you would expect to find the bruising, the blood pooling in his buttocks and especially in the back of his legs , because that was the lowest point, and that was where the blood settled. But the autopsy photos—I have other autopsy photos—show that his legs were free and his buttocks were free. There’s a little bruise on his back.
Mark Epstein: And he has a little bruise on his back. But if he had only been dead for 2 hours and then they knocked him out, that bruise on his back could have come later. So it’s not conclusive. But the fact that his legs are free, even if they knocked him down, his blood wouldn’t have drained from his legs into his back unless he was hung upside down. So the fact that his legs and buttocks are free of bruises raises doubts as to whether he was found as they had described him.
Megyn Kelly: So wait, so let’s put a point on this so people don’t have to figure it out. So what you’re saying is that you don’t believe that he was killed, obviously, in the way that they tell us, and that if he had actually hanged himself, there would have been bruising under his legs and on his buttocks face from the way he was found hanging , hanging almost in a sitting position just off the ground. And there wasn’t any. So, is there a working theory that if this was a murder, how would this evidence make sense? Why was there no bruising on the back of the legs?
Mark Epstein: Well, that’s because he probably wasn’t hanging like they say. Because if he were hanging like they said, there would be bruise marks on his legs and buttocks.
Megyn Kelly: And the photo you gave us, Mark, is that of the autopsy and the mark around the neck? I’m no expert on this, but it certainly seems like it to me: as a layman I have trouble understanding how a sheet left that mark… it almost seems more like a garrote or some sort of rope, wire was used. What did the doctor say about it?
Mark Epstein: Well, when they came out of the autopsy, both doctors said it looked more like what’s called ligature strangulation. That’s where, like a garrote where you go behind and pull something tight down someone’s neck… The way they described him, he was suspended, his body was off the ground, his buttocks were off the ground and his legs they were stretched out in front of him. So there was probably some weight on the feet, lower legs. But most of his body weight hung by his neck from the top bunk.
Mark Epstein: If it is the case. And you may find photographs of people hanging from old lynching photographs or war photographs. The binding, that thing around the neck, goes up under the chin and goes up behind the ears, up under the chin. But from that photo, the ligature mark on the neck is more in the center of the neck and goes straight back.