How to use Ahrefs and ChatGPT to improve your SEO

If you are an Ahrefs user, you can combine our data with ChatGPT to improve your SEO.

Here are some of the best use cases.

If a page outperforms you, it might be because it covers important subtopics that users want to see (but you don’t).

Here’s how to find these subtopics:

  1. Enter your target keyword in Keyword Explorer
  2. Scroll down to SERP Overview
  3. Check the three relevant pages at the top of the ranking
  4. Click Open inside and choose Content Gap

THE Content gap the report shows the rankings of common keywords among these top-ranked pages. Export all keywords from the report. Then, go to ChatGPT and write a message like:

I’ll give you two things.

#1. A blog post about [topic]

#2. A list of keywords related to the topic

I need you to tell me what keywords, entities or subtopics I have missed in my content based on the keyword list.

ChatGPT will tell you what’s missing:

ChatGPT suggests missing subtopics that my content could cover

You don’t need to update your content with every “gap” identified by ChatGPT. It’s just a suggestion, so identify the most appropriate ones for your target keyword and update your content accordingly.

ChatGPT is pretty good at creating blog post outlines. But you can ensure that ChatGPT creates search-friendly patterns by providing it with important subtopics that users want to see.

Do the same thing as above by exporting the keywords from Content gap relationship. Then enter this message into ChatGPT:

I will give you a list of keywords related to [topic]. Create an outline for that topic based on these keywords.

The schema suggested by ChatGPT, based on a list of keywords I providedThe schema suggested by ChatGPT, based on a list of keywords I provided

Here you are! Your pattern is ready.

Search intent is the reason behind a query. If you want to have the best chances of ranking, you’ll need to align your content with search intent.

Typically, search intent is identified by examining the top-ranking pages for your target keyword.

You can ask ChatGPT to do it for you. Enter your keyword in Keyword Explorer and export SERPs from SERP Overview.

Export for SERP overviewExport for SERP overview

Copy the top 10 ranked titles and provide ChatGPT with a message like:

I’ll give you a list of titles. These are the best ranking pages for the keyword . Can you identify search intent for me?

ChatGPT will analyze search intent for you:

ChatGPT analysis of search intent for the keyword "how to improve SEO"ChatGPT analysis of search intent for the keyword "how to improve SEO"

Too annoying? Good news: we’ve incorporated this use case directly into Keyword Explorer. Just click Identify intentand we will do it for you:

THE "Identify intent" functionality in the SERP Overview, in the Keyword ExplorerTHE "Identify intent" functionality in the SERP Overview, in the Keyword Explorer

Seed keywords are words or phrases that you can use as a starting point in a keyword research process to unlock more keywords.

There are obvious seed keywords for each niche, like “coffee” if you have a coffee site. But you might miss terms like “moka pot” or “aeropress,” especially if you’re unfamiliar with the space.

ChatGPT can help you with this. Simply ask him to give you the terms.

Give me the terms related to [topic]. Skip the descriptions.

List of coffee-related terms, suggested by ChatGPTList of coffee-related terms, suggested by ChatGPT

You can then use them as seed keywords in Keyword Explorer to find more keyword ideas.

Keyword ideas generated from a list of terms suggested by ChatGPTKeyword ideas generated from a list of terms suggested by ChatGPT


We’ve integrated artificial intelligence into Keyword Explorer to help you find seed keywords easily. Now you can skip the whole ChatGPT part.

Ask the AI ​​to suggest starting keywords, a feature of Keyword ExplorerAsk the AI ​​to suggest starting keywords, a feature of Keyword Explorer

If you do SEO for multiple markets, you may want to target the same keywords in different languages. This isn’t a big deal if you’re a polyglot, but some of us struggle with languages. Don’t worry: ChatGPT can help you.

Take your list of keyword ideas and ask ChatGPT to translate them.

I have a list of search queries in English. If a native Spanish speaker were to search for these queries on Google, what keywords would they use? Please suggest one to five of the most common alternative local expressions for each query that reflect its meaning, considering both colloquial and formal terms.

ChatGPT translates terms into another language for keyword researchChatGPT translates terms into another language for keyword research

Paste these terms into Keyword Explorer and set the country you are searching for to see if they have search volume.

List of keywords and their search volume, as translated by ChatGPTList of keywords and their search volume, as translated by ChatGPT

A common problem that plagues many websites is a lack of titles, H1 tags, or meta descriptions. You can find out if your site has these issues by running a scan with Site verification.

Title and meta description issues detected by Site AuditTitle and meta description issues detected by Site Audit

Click on the number to view the affected pages. Then click Export to get all URLs.

Export to Site Audit buttonExport to Site Audit button

Bring these URLs to ChatGPT and ask it to create meta descriptions for you.

I have a list of URLs that have no meta descriptions. Create meta descriptions for them. Keep them under 160 characters and use an active voice.

Meta descriptions suggested by ChatGPTMeta descriptions suggested by ChatGPT

Branded keywords contain the name of your company, service, or product. Knowing the division between branded and non-branded keywords is useful because:

  • If you’re analyzing a competitor, you’ll want to know how much of their traffic is branded (which you can’t replicate).
  • Branded traffic may not be directly controlled by SEOs, so you may want to be clear about attribution.
  • Bigger brands get more brand searches (duh!), so it might be a good indicator to see how well your brand is doing.

To see the breakdown, enter your site (or your competitor’s site) into Explore site, go to Organic keywords report and click Export.

Export button to organic keywordsExport button to organic keywords

Upload the file to ChatGPT and provide this message:

Label each keyword in the “Keyword” column as branded or unbranded. Then, create a pie chart showing the sum of “Current Organic Traffic” for both categories. Include a legend in your pie chart.

Generated pie chart for branded and unbranded keywordsGenerated pie chart for branded and unbranded keywords

Final thoughts

Ahrefs isn’t just an SEO tool: it’s a big data machine. It’s then a matter of extracting and exporting the most relevant data from our toolset and then using ChatGPT to facilitate the analysis.

Did I miss any interesting use cases? Let me know about XTwitter or LinkedIn.

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