Gavin Newsom says Democrats need to worry about third-party candidates in 2024 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Expert

This weekend on ABC News, California Governor Gavin Newsom ridiculously supported Biden’s re-election and even tried to claim that Biden has a plan to address the crisis at the border.

During the same interview, he was asked about third-party candidates and said Democrats should worry about them.

To his credit, unlike many other Democrats, Newsom has said he does not support efforts to keep them away from the polls. Some polls have shown that Trump performed even better in the election by including third-party candidates.

Transcript via Breitbart News:

JON KARL: How worried are you about a third person? There will be more third-party candidates. So, it doesn’t take long. I know that a third party candidate is unlikely to be elected president, nor will he beat either of them. But I mean, how worried are you…

NEWSOM: Spoilers.

KARL: Yes, how worried are you about this?

NEWSOM: I have to be, I’m worried. But you know what? You have to control the controllables. You have to control what you have to control. The vote is being taken out right now.

KARL: So do you think it’s a mistake for Democrats to try to keep these third-party, No Labels, and other candidates off the ballot? We are seeing an effort –


CARLO: — to —

NEWSOM: Yes, I think when you – again, when you try to suppress choice and voice, it tends to backfire.

KARL: Especially when you talk about the importance of democracy, you try to keep people out of voting.

NEWSOM: Yes. So I’m not consumed by it. And I’m not here on behalf of the Biden administration to think about it.

Here is the video:

The ladies of The sight they are also worried about third-party candidates.

Democrats are terrified of another Ralph Nader/Jill Stein situation.

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