Four steps to a better performing About page

This means that your potential customers will often come to your site through your About page. Is it a good first impression to get them to browse your site further (or get them involved)?

Let’s not forget that brand queries have high intent because people who type your brand name into the search box already know you or have heard of your products. Failing to meet their needs is a missed opportunity.

It is often a trigger for conversion (and more)

How often have you checked a company’s About page before purchasing something from them? I do this all the time, especially if it’s a new brand I’ve never heard of before.

Or maybe it’s not even about buying.

Whenever someone contacts me with a quote or interview request, I always check their About page. I refuse to deal with bloggers who don’t take themselves seriously.

Likewise, I often look at the About page when looking for a press contact to feature a tool in my article.

On a personal level, I always open an About page to find a brand’s social media profiles when I want to follow them.

The lack of a detailed and well-structured About page often means leaked conversions, as well as missed backlinks or follows.

It is an important resource for entity optimization

We don’t know exactly how Google decides whether a site can be considered a trademark, but we have well-educated theories, so we can help Google make this decision. The About page is a perfect resource for entity optimization.

First, what we know: An About page is mentioned in Google’s human evaluation guidelines as one of the ways to determine any page’s “expertise, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness,” or EEAT.

Human raters don’t have a direct impact on search results, but their ratings are used to teach Google’s algorithm to rank pages better. Therefore, if the About page appears in their guidelines, they are likely using it as an (indirect) ranking signal in one way or another.

Second, Google uses the information you choose to enter on the About page to place your business in its knowledge base, so it’s important to include as many details as possible.

With all this in mind, how should you put together a great About page?

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