Democrats surge after Trump screws Republicans at border

Trump screwed Republicans over the border deal, and Democrats seized on an issue that appears to be moving their way.

Democrats say Trump has handed the border issue to them

The New York Times reported:

But in the final 10 days of the race, an analysis by AdImpact, the media tracking firm, showed that Democrats were actually running more immigration ads than Republicans, with Suozzi’s campaign running clips of an appearance that he once did on Fox News where he was introduced as “one of the Democrats” who support ICE, the immigration enforcement agency.

“We’ve now made the border an issue where Democrats are front and center, whereas before all of this happened, we were in second place,” Sen. Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, said in an interview Wednesday . . Trump almost handed this issue to us on a silver platter when he said he didn’t want to do it for political purposes after claiming the border was an emergency.

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Trump screwed Republicans at the border

Democrats ran more ads than Republicans on the border in New York’s special election, and now they have a strong argument that they tried to pass a border security bill, but Donald Trump and his Republican minions in Congress beat them to it blocked.

The argument is that voters who want to see the two parties cooperate and get something done on the border should vote for Democrats because Republicans have already demonstrated that they are unwilling to cooperate and solve the problems that the American people care about.

Trump gave the border issue away to the Democrats, all because he wanted to address it during the general election.

Donald Trump will rush to the border in the fall, but Joe Biden and the Democrats will be able to blame him for the ongoing problems because the former president killed the border deal that would have addressed the issue.

Republicans had a problem they thought would work in the fall, but Trump’s self-serving strategy may have ruined it.

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