California Employee Rights Sues Over Not Getting Breaks

California employee rightsCalifornia employee rights

Are you a California employee feeling the strain of never having a moment to take a break and wondering if you can take legal action against your employer?

California employment laws provide clear answers to this question. Employee breaks and meals during work shifts aren’t just a perk; they are vital to your well-being and productivity, offering you the chance to rest and recharge. Employers who fail to comply with these laws face serious consequences.

Employment lawyer Abel H. Fernandez recognizes the disturbing reality that violations of workers’ rights still exist: employees in several industries suffer prolonged mistreatment and, at times, direct violations of their rights by employers .

Stay with us as we discuss your rights as an employee in California, what legal remedies are available to you if your employer violates tort laws, and how to seek justice if you’ve been denied breaks.

Understand California employment laws regarding breaks

Can you really sue your employer for not receiving breaks? The answer is yes! California has strict labor laws in place to protect employee rights, and one of those rights is the right to infringe.

In California, employers must comply with the law by ensuring that nonexempt or hourly employees receive a 30-minute unpaid lunch break within the first five hours of each workday.

Where non-exempt employees are entitled to a 10-minute rest break for every four hours worked and a 30-minute lunch break for every five hours worked. If your employer does not provide you with these required breaks, they are breaking the law.

Hourly employees are entitled to take a 10-minute paid break for every four hours worked or “greater fraction thereof.” You have the right to take legal action against your employer by filing a lawsuit for not providing breaks.

Consequences for employers who violate severance laws

There are sanctions for employers who do not guarantee their employees the necessary breaks. In California, the consequences for violating trespassing laws can be severe.

If an employer fails to give its employees the required meal breaks, it may be required to pay the employee an additional hour’s wages for each missed break. This is known as the “meal period premium”. Once an employer fails to provide rest breaks to their employees, they may also be required to pay the employee an additional hour’s wages for each missed break.

These penalties can quickly add up and become a significant financial burden on the employer. So, if you don’t get the breaks you’re entitled to, you have the right to take legal action and potentially sue your employer for compensation.

Recognize your rights as a California employee

Recognizing your rights as a California employee means understanding the power and protection you have under the law.

In California, employees are entitled to certain rights when it comes to breaks and rest periods. First of all, you are entitled to a lunch break of at least 30 minutes if you work more than five hours a day. If it is more than ten hours a day, you are entitled to a second meal break.

You are also entitled to a paid rest period of at least ten minutes for every four hours worked. These breaks are essential for your well-being and productivity.

Legal Remedies for Denied Employee Breaks

If your employer refuses to give you needed breaks, legal remedies are available to ensure your rights are protected and respected. Under California labor laws, employees are entitled to rest and meal breaks during their work shifts, unless the employee waives them.

If your employer does not provide these breaks, you have the right to take legal action. You can file a complaint with the California Labor Commissioner’s office or file a lawsuit against your employer.

Legal remedies can include compensation for missed breaks, fines and even potential injunctions to require the employer to provide breaks in the future.

Seeking justice for unfair treatment

Seeking justice for unfair treatment can be a challenging and arduous process, but it is necessary to stand up and fight against any form of discrimination or mistreatment in the workplace.

If you believe you have been denied breaks in California, here are your legal options for seeking compensation and holding your employer accountable:

  • File a complaint with the DLSE: You can file a complaint with the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). They can investigate your case and potentially order your employer to provide you with the breaks you are entitled to, as well as any back wages owed.
  • Lawsuit Against Employer: You may choose to file a lawsuit against your employer for violating California employment laws. This could result in additional damages and penalties for your employer.

By taking action you not only protect your rights, but also help create a fair and equitable working environment for all employees.


If you find yourself in this situation, remember that you have rights. California labor laws protect your right to breaks, and employers who violate these laws can face serious consequences. If you are denied breaks, know your rights and seek legal remedies. Don’t hesitate to seek justice for unfair treatment and defend your rights as a California employee.

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