Atheist Rob Reiner goes on MSNBC and explains how he understands Christianity better than Christians (VIDEO) | The Gateway Expert

Rob Reiner, who suffers from Trump disorder syndrome, appeared on MSNBC this week to promote his new film about “Christian nationalism” and used the segment to explain that he understands true Christianity better than Christians.

His documentary is obviously just his latest attempt to demonize conservatives and Trump supporters, but he tries to suggest that the project is somehow not hurting Christians.

Isn’t it funny when people on the far left claim to speak for conservatives and Christians?

NewsBusters Transcript:

STEPHANIE RUHLE: What made you decide to fully commit to a project focused on Christian nationalism?

ROB REINER: Because it doesn’t really reflect Christianity, from what I understand. I mean, I went through a very difficult time in my life, many years ago, and I read about Christianity. You know, I grew up as a secular Jew. There was no religion in my family. But I started reading about Christianity, Buddhism, Islamic religion and I realized that the true teachings of Jesus were about loving your neighbor, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you and these are the things I held on to . .

They meant something to me and when I saw this movement – it started, you know, in the ’50s, but it picked up steam in the ’80s after Roe v. Wade became the law of the land and Norman Lear had People for the American Way and I began to see that there was a movement going on that had nothing to do with what I believed were the teachings of Jesus and was a pure movement politician for the right, for power.

And I received a book: I was sent a book called The worshipers of power by Katherine Stewart and I said, “wow, this could be a really great documentary to show that there is a difference between the precepts of Christianity and Christian nationalism, which is a pure political movement.”

Watch the segment below:

It’s very funny how Reiner tries to pretend that it’s not just about politics and elections, when that’s so clearly the case.

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