8 ways to make remote work more efficient for everyone

The opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

For the first time since we were all forced to work remotely in 2020, it finally seems like the debate around this is calming down.

Companies that wanted their teams to return to the office implemented relevant policies. Meanwhile, employees passionate about remote work have many options, and job postings offer just that. Additionally, many workplaces have adopted hybrid work arrangements to get the best of both worlds, with studies reporting that more than half of working Americans have the opportunity to work remotely at least once a week.

This means that for most employees, remote work remains a key part of their daily lives because, even when working fully in person if you have a colleague joining from home, you inevitably get sucked into remote work. dynamic. For many, this continues to be a challenge: remote working has its specificities in terms of communication, collaboration and general etiquette, which are not natural for everyone.

So here are eight small things anyone can do to improve their remote working experience and that of their colleagues.

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1. Make your availability known

Are you out for lunch? Picking up the kids from school? Do you have irregular working hours? While remote work’s flexibility is one of its best features, make sure your team is informed of when you’ll be in work mode to avoid misunderstandings, missed messages, and scheduling conflicts.

For example, if you start work later, it might be wise to designate a place where early risers know not to expect your input in the wee hours of the morning. This can be a simple relevant emoji on your Slack profile or a quick update during a weekly meeting.

2. Documentary processes

Since much collaboration in remote work is asynchronous, try to document processes, decisions, and strategies so that anyone on the team can find their place at any time. Otherwise, there is a risk of confusion and repetition: team members may miss updates and managers may get tired of explaining the same things to everyone individually to get people on the same page.

If you haven’t already done so, a good practice to adopt is to send meeting summaries and make it a habit for other important informal discussions as well.

3. Don’t forget about time zones

Americans may be accustomed to time zone differences between coasts, but with the rise of remote work, your team may have added some international talent. Emilia from Finland will not be available for your afternoon meeting because her day ended hours ago – and, unless previously agreed, you should not expect her to be.

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4. Use the same software and tools as your colleagues

To avoid constant document conversions, downloads of new software, or long discussions about which tool is best, you need to agree on a single set of tools that will be used company-wide. Larger enterprises typically already have an established technology stack, and smaller companies should follow suit.

Remote work and communication require a variety of technologies for collaboration, work and management. If everyone started using whatever they wanted, it would create frustration, jeopardize cybersecurity, and leave information scattered.

5. Don’t browse social media during meetings

That’s it, that’s the whole tip. You know it’s counterproductive and affects the overall quality of the meeting and information retention. Will you stop doing it after reading this? Let’s be real, probably not.

So here’s a pro tip and a fun read: To avoid getting in trouble, take off your glasses when scrolling through social media during a conference.

6. Avoid common video conferencing problems

Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking, test your connection and technology first, show up on time, turn on your camera, be presentable and make sure your background is presentable too. We all know these video conferencing best practices by now, but very few people take the time to put them into practice. As a result, it is extremely common for calls to be interrupted by basic technical issues, sowing frustration and impeding communication.

7. Respect different working styles

Everyone has their own way of working that suits them best. Some people are gifted multitaskers and want to know everything that’s going on and be constantly updated. Others thrive at deep work, and a single distraction can reduce their productivity.

As a result, while the former will be happy to receive a Slack message and engage in a discussion, the latter may find it irritating and disruptive. Some people will be happy to pop into a quick meeting to be on the same page, while others would prefer an email.

Respecting how others operate can maximize each individual’s productivity. To do this, just discuss it with colleagues.

Related: How to Address Generational Differences and Hybrid Challenges in the Workplace

8. Celebrate victories regularly

It’s no secret that remote workers struggle with loneliness. One of the main arguments against remote and hybrid working is that it hinders team bonding and the development of a healthy company culture.

But this is not a problem inherent to remote work. Rather, fostering camaraderie and a healthy work environment requires a more active effort in a remote environment than in person. By putting in the work, you can overcome the challenges of feeling and experiencing the reality of isolation.

A great place to start is by celebrating wins: develop a shared virtual ritual that engages the entire team and helps people connect.

These eight tips will significantly increase your team’s efficiency. But remember that for them to be effective, they must become fundamental to your business. This is not a one-time thing, but rather an ongoing collective effort to improve everyone’s work environment.

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